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Team site assistance Persian cats "Perse-ottoman-Club." He united enthusiasts who as much as possible, try and help the homeless Persian cats. |
Federations and clubs Persian cats classical type.
"Feline Federation Europe".
Federation President: Mr.Heinz D. Kellner. Federation has felialy worldwide. Highlights in the Persian breed two types: classic European style and American extreme type Peke-Face.
"Bavarian e.V. - Cat Fanciers Association".
President: Eva Kellner. The Association is an independent association and a member of the FFI. Bavarian e.V. - Cat Fanciers Association also highlights in the Persian breed two types: classic European style and American extreme type.
"Cat Club Europe".
The structure of this club includes many nurseries Persian cats classical type.
Forein Persian Classical Cats catteries .
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Von Guter Wille", the owner Margit Neumann from Germany, Berlin work as a persian classical owner many years. |
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Laponia", the owner Eva Ptaszyc from Germany, Maingeym work as a persian classical owner 28 years. |
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Veri Sbaes", from Denmark, owners Daniёlle Rozenboom & Rick Keijer. |
Excellent web-syte about Persian Classical cat. |
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Silky Demons" , the owner Gabriele Edelmann from Germany, Koln. |
Persian Classical cats Cattery from Germany, the owner Claudia Schellhammer. |
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Cute & Classic", the owner Louise Engberg from Denmark, work as a persian classical owner 30 years.
Persian Classical Catteries in Russia.
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Anna's Cats" from Moscow, the owner Anna Anokhina.
Persian Classical cats Cattery "Dubr" from Moscow, the owner
Our partners.
Interesting site about cats life.
Cats of the World - Information portal for fans of these fascinating creatures.