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Changes in breed type
Persian breed was registered in 1887 by the British Society of cat lovers and became one of the first official breeds of domestic cats. By the beginning of 1960 the Persian breed has had the largest number of colors and the largest number of registered breeds. As a result of selective breeding the Persian breed was improved and type of breed began to approach modern type. But there were two sharply differing inbreeding types – the most traditional type (also called a European or English type) and extreme American type. What were the main features of these inbreeding types? Persian cats traditional classical type have a perfectly rounded head with rather large high set ears. Stop well defined and is located at the level of the lower eyelid. The upper line of the nose leather – at 1-2 cm below the stop. Persian cats classical type – healthy prolific cats. Persian cats extreme or American type have a round head with a prominent forehead and a beveled back of the head, low set ears, a high-mounted stop and a very short nasal bridge with a broad nose leather. American type includes many separate branches with different genetic programs of growth and development of animals. So Persian cats American type of show-class are rather rare. Sometimes cats extreme American type give birth kittens with long noses, but they are different from the Persian classical type – have a more deep stop, extreme setting of eyes. In any case – they are cats of an extreme type. Traditional Persian Cat Extreme Persian Cat European Type American Type Doll Faced Pig Faced
Some childs of Extreme Persian cats have long noses, but still this childs are't Traditional Persian cats, this childs are Extreme Persian cats too.
Childs of Traditional Persian cats Childs of Extreme Persian cats Differences between skull of Domestic cat and of Extreme Persian cat we can see in the site of Тraditional Cat Аccociation: http://www.traditionalcats.com/:
Two types of persian cats in the FFEFrom site: www.bavarian-cfa.com/ Sybject: Persian type - classify for show entriesRegarding lots of speeches in cat fancy subject to Persians type - expressive or with slight nose - Bavarian e.V. offers the possibility to classify Persians for different show entries: socalled "European" or "American" type. This offers any Persian cat a chance to qualify for championate status regarding the Standard of Points and its specific type. To make it possible for everybody to classify Persian type the lower edge of nose leather is the marking as described in most Standard of Points. • Persian american typeHere you see the lower edge of the nose leather on or above the lower eye lid (see Picture 1). Persians might have two judgements a day. They could be entered into European judgement and additional American judgement (based on American Standards). Pиc.1: Persian American type • Persian European tepeHere you see the lower edge of the nose leather under the lower eye lid (see Picture 2). Persians will have only European judgement.
Рис.2: Persian European type
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